Why I’m grateful for my early morning outdoor walks (and how you can be too)


Every morning, no matter what the weather is like, I make it a point to go for a walk outdoors. And I always make sure to express gratitude and practice mantras during my walks. Why? Because I’ve found that doing so creates a powerful mindset shift that sets me up for success throughout the rest of my day. Here’s a closer look at why expressing gratitude and practicing mantras during early morning outdoor walks is so important—and how you can make it part of your daily routine too.

The Power of Gratitude
One of the main reasons I express gratitude during my early morning outdoor walks is because of the power of gratitude. When you’re feeling grateful, it’s impossible to feel negative emotions like anger, resentment, or jealousy at the same time. That’s why expressing gratitude is such a powerful tool for creating a positive mindset shift. And when your mindset is positive, you’re more likely to take action and achieve your goals.

But expressing gratitude isn’t just about feeling good in the moment—it also has lasting effects on your health and well-being. Numerous studies have shown that people who practice gratitude on a regular basis have lower levels of stress and anxiety, higher levels of self-esteem, and are more likely to experience overall life satisfaction. So if you’re looking for a way to improve your mental and emotional health, expressing gratitude is a great place to start.

The Benefits of Mantras
In addition to expressing gratitude, I also practice mantras during my early morning outdoor walks. A mantra is simply a word or phrase that you repeat to yourself as part of a meditation practice. The act of repeating a mantra helps to still the mind and allows you to focus on the present moment. And when your mind is focused and present, you’re better able to achieve your goals.

Mantras also have some pretty amazing health benefits. Studies have shown that mantras can lower blood pressure, improve heart health, reduce stress levels, improve sleep quality, and boost immunity. So if you’re looking for another way to improve your physical health in addition to your mental and emotional health, practicing mantras is a great option. Plus, it only takes a few minutes out of your day!

How to Get Started
If you’re ready to start reaping the benefits of expressing gratitude and practicing mantras during early morning outdoor walks, there are a few things you need to do first. First, commit to making it part of your daily routine— just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower. Second, find a quiet spot outdoors where you won’t be disturbed by others. And finally, set a timer for 10-15 minutes so that you don’t have to worry about watching the clock while you’re meditating.

Once you’ve done all of that, simply close your eyes and begin repeating your chosen mantra out loud or silently in your head. As you repeat the mantra, focus on how it makes you feel mentally, emotionally, and physically. After a while, you may find that your mind begins to wander—and that’s totally normal! Just gently bring your attention back to the mantra whenever this happens.

Practicing gratitude and repeating mantras are two simple yet powerful tools that can help improve your mental and emotional health—and they only take a few minutes out of your day! So if you’re looking for ways to create a positive mindset shift or reduce stress levels, give them a try. You might be surprised by how much they help!

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