UKBride: Where Dreams of Free Advertising Turn into a Nightmare

UKbride Scam

In the cutthroat world of online marketing, there are companies that play fair, and then there’s UKBride, a shining example of how to take advantage of struggling businesses in the wedding industry. With a charming smile and a promise of free advertising, UKBride lures in unsuspecting wedding vendors like a siren calling sailors to their doom. But this isn’t a love story with a happily ever after; instead, it’s a cautionary tale of how UKBride cons hard-working businesses that have already been battered by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Picture this: you’re a wedding photographer, a florist, a wedding venue, or a caterer. Your business has taken a hit due to lockdowns and restrictions, and you’re desperately searching for ways to bounce back. In this moment of vulnerability, UKBride swoops in with their irresistible offer: a three-month free trial of advertising on their website. What could go wrong, right? Little do you know that this seemingly generous offer is the bait for a trap you won’t see coming.

The Free Trial Mirage

UKBride’s website boasts a free trial period that’s as enchanting as a fairy tale. They promise to showcase your business to engaged couples, giving you a glimmer of hope in these bleak times. You sign up, thinking that this could be your ticket to recovery. After all, who doesn’t like free stuff, especially when times are tough?

However, as the saying goes, “There’s no such thing as a free lunch.” In the case of UKBride, there’s no such thing as a free trial either. They neglect to mention the sinister catch that awaits you after those three months of supposed generosity.

The Forgotten Subscription

As a wedding vendor, you have a million things on your plate, from managing bookings to ensuring that every bouquet is perfect. In the hustle and bustle of running your business, it’s easy to forget about a tiny detail like a subscription renewal. UKBride knows this, and they play this game brilliantly.

Once your three-month “free” trial is up, UKBride automatically renews your subscription, and here’s the kicker: they don’t remind you. It’s almost as if they hope you’ll forget, like a magician hoping you’ll be so dazzled by their tricks that you won’t notice your wallet disappearing.

The Vanishing Act

Now, you might think that before you even fall into this trap, you can simply contact UKBride to cancel your free trial or subscription, right? Wrong! UKBride’s customer service seems to be on a permanent vacation; they simply don’t pick up the phone and do not reply to emails or social media messages. It’s as if they’ve taken the “disappearing act” theme from weddings a bit too seriously.

Imagine spending hours on hold, listening to that infuriating hold music, only to be met with silence at the other end. The frustration must be maddening, but don’t worry; UKBride has an explanation for this radio silence. They’re just too busy counting all the money they’ve siphoned from struggling businesses.

I would also add that if you are in the middle of the 3-month “free trial”, hire someone of authority who will be able to verify that you are trying to call/contact UKBride and that they are not replying. Or even better, if you live near Boston (UK), just go to their offices and ask for your stop code, for a stop to be put on the trial, and that no money be taken. All this with a lawyer present should do it. Their address is Enterprise Centre, Enterprise Way, Wyberton Fen, Boston, PE21 7TW

They will also sometimes offer to call you just before your “free trial” ends, and guess what? They don’t. So, then the deadline is missed, you have not cancelled, and you get stung!

The Shocking Bill

Weeks go by, and you’re blissfully unaware that your free trial has turned into an expensive subscription. Then, one day, the bill arrives. But instead of the modest amount you expected, you’re greeted with a staggering bill of £1,999 + VAT (2,398.80). It’s as if UKBride has pulled a rabbit out of a hat, and that rabbit is your hard-earned money disappearing into thin air.

The shock and anger that must come with receiving such a hefty invoice after believing you were getting something for free must be overwhelming. But remember, this is just part of UKBride’s cunning plan to milk every penny they can from businesses struggling to stay afloat.

The Fusion Event Services Exposé

Fusion Event Services, a company that had the unfortunate experience of nearly falling into the UKBride trap is telling all in a blog post titled “Shark-Infested Waters: – Approach with Utmost Caution.” There, Fusion Event Services laid bare the shocking truth about UKBride’s tactics.

Fusion Event Services detailed their experience of being enticed by the promise of free advertising, only to realise what UKBride had in store for them and not sign the dubious contract that could have left them in a state of frustration and financial distress.

The Irony of It All

I can’t help but marvel at the dark irony of it all. UKBride, a platform that should be helping businesses in the wedding industry, is instead preying on their vulnerability after a global pandemic that has already decimated the industry. They promise a lifeline but deliver a financial anchor that drags these businesses further underwater.

In a time when solidarity and support should be paramount, UKBride’s actions are nothing short of despicable. Trapping businesses in a web of hidden fees and elusive customer service reeks of opportunism and greed.

But even if they end up charging you all this money, in the end, all the leads they send you are highly dubious. They collect data from competitions they organise for brides and feed that data back to unsuspecting wedding industry businesses that they have scammed in the first place. We spoke to a photographer who was once promised 2,500 leads for the year ahead and was only sent 1,800. Guess how many weddings he booked out of them? Zero.


In the world of business, there will always be those who seek to profit from the misfortunes of others. UKBride, with its bait-and-switch tactics and lack of transparency, has proven to be one such entity. Hard-working wedding vendors, already grappling with the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, deserve better.

So, if you’re a wedding vendor considering taking the UKBride’s 3-month free trial, don’t! Approach UKBride with the utmost caution, if at all, and always read the very small legal bit in the contract. There are plenty of reputable advertising platforms out there that won’t leave you high and dry when you’re already struggling to keep your head above water.

Search on Google for “UKBride”, “”, or “UKBride scam”, look out for reviews on or SiteJabber, or check the very thorough and helpful wedding industry inequities action Facebook group!

After all, the only thing worse than facing the challenges of a global pandemic is falling prey to a cunning company looking to profit from your misfortune. Stay vigilant, my friends, and may your businesses thrive in spite of the treacherous waters of the wedding industry.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to raise money for the legal challenge of hundreds of businesses that have been scammed by UKBride.

You are not alone; join the Facebook page, follow their guidelines, and you will get help in that community!

We are also aware that other vendors in the wedding directory industry may be using the same tactics. Be extremely careful about what you are signing up for. Always read the small print. They are getting desperate and are all after one thing only: your money!