Boosting a New Photography Website with Daily Blogs


In the digital age, where everyone and everything is online, starting a new website can feel like shouting into the void. This was the challenge we faced at the end of January when we launched ““. Our goal was straightforward yet daunting: generate traffic and make our mark in the crowded digital landscape of local photography in Cambridge (UK). The strategy we chose was unconventional but powered by the latest advancements in AI: blogging daily throughout February with the help of ChatGPT. Just two weeks into the experiment, the results were beyond promising – with significant search impressions and, most notably, 4 clicks (by Feb 19) and 6 clicks (by Feb 22) that felt like the first drops of rain in a drought. This blog post chronicles that journey, sharing insights, data, and the power of AI in transforming a fledgling website into a budding online presence.

February 2, 2024

The Genesis of

The idea for was born out of a passion for photography and a desire to carve out a niche space where quality, creativity, and community could converge. Photography isn’t just about capturing moments; it’s about telling stories, evoking emotions, and creating connections. This website aimed to be a beacon for those who share this vision – a platform to showcase work, attract clients, and build a community of like-minded individuals.

We have been using the non-hyphenated version of this domain name for over 10 years now and to great success, as it has been ranking well for the few keywords we use it for. However one of the downsides of the theme we use for the website is that it has a landing page format and does not allow us to write any blog posts. And because it is ranking so well, we did not want to change the theme and experience a loss of ranking, hence why we decided to develop a similar domain name and start blogging on that version of Cambridge Photographers.

Launching a new website comes with its set of challenges, the biggest of which is standing out in a saturated market. The photography industry, with its blend of art and technology, demands not just excellence in visual content but also in how it’s presented and promoted online. Our goals were clear: to not only display our photography work but to also engage and grow an audience through compelling content and a robust online presence.

February 15, 2024

The Role of ChatGPT in Content Creation

In the quest to populate “” with engaging and relevant content, we turned to an unlikely ally: ChatGPT. This AI, developed by OpenAI, has revolutionized content creation, offering the ability to generate informative, coherent, and contextually rich articles on a wide array of topics. But why choose an AI for a task as personal and nuanced as blogging for a photography website?

Innovation Meets Creativity: Our decision was driven by the desire to blend innovation with creativity. ChatGPT allowed us to explore a diverse range of topics related to photography, from technical tutorials to the philosophical aspects of capturing images. Its capacity to generate unique content on demand made it an invaluable tool in maintaining the daily blogging schedule without compromising quality or relevance.

The Perfect Prompt: The secret sauce to leveraging ChatGPT effectively was crafting the perfect prompt. We focused on prompts that encapsulated the essence of what we wanted to communicate, combining SEO-friendly keywords with themes that resonated with our target audience. This approach ensured that each blog post was not only optimized for search engines but also engaging and informative for readers, as well as varied, each day allowing us to blog about a different field of photography: weddings, portraits, corporate, families, events, etc.

SEO and Engagement: Utilizing ChatGPT also had a significant impact on SEO and engagement. The AI’s ability to naturally incorporate keywords and generate detailed, topic-specific content contributed to the website’s growing visibility in search results. Moreover, the varied and rich content fostered greater interaction from visitors, encouraging them to explore the site further.

A Tool, Not a Replacement: It’s important to note that ChatGPT served as a tool to augment the blogging process, not replace the human touch. Each post generated by ChatGPT was reviewed, personalized, and sometimes tweaked to ensure it aligned with the website’s tone and objectives. This blend of AI efficiency and personal oversight created a unique and dynamic blogging strategy that stood out in the digital photography space.

February 19, 2024

SEO Strategies and Blogging Insights

In the digital realm, visibility is currency. For “”, the challenge was not just to exist but to be found. This is where SEO (Search Engine Optimization) came into play, serving as the compass that guided potential visitors to the website through the vastness of the internet.

Keyword Research: The foundation of our SEO strategy was thorough keyword research. Identifying keywords that were not only relevant to photography but also specific enough to target potential clients in Cambridge and surrounding areas was critical. These keywords were seamlessly integrated into blog posts, meta descriptions, and even image tags, making them more discoverable to search engines.

Quality Content: Search engines favor websites that offer value to their users. Each blog post crafted with the help of ChatGPT was designed to be informative, engaging, and rich in detail. This approach not only improved the website’s SEO rankings but also ensured that visitors spent more time on the site, exploring its content.

Consistency is Key: One of the most significant insights from this experiment was the importance of consistency. Posting daily created a rhythm that search engines began to recognize, gradually boosting the site’s visibility. This consistency in content creation, coupled with the quality of the posts, created a compound effect on traffic and engagement.

Link Building: While the focus was primarily on content, understanding the importance of link building was another key insight. Including internal links to other blog posts and pages on the website helped in reducing bounce rates and increasing the time visitors spent on the site. External links from reputable sites, though more challenging to acquire, played a crucial role in enhancing the site’s credibility and search ranking.

Analytics and Adaptation: Utilizing analytics tools allowed us to monitor which topics and keywords were driving traffic and engagement. This data-driven approach enabled us to adapt our content strategy dynamically, focusing more on what worked best and exploring new topics that could attract additional interest.

The Result: The culmination of these strategies and insights was evident in the growing number of impressions and clicks garnered in just two weeks. Each click represented not just a visitor but a potential client, a testament to the power of strategic blogging and SEO.

Blog posts posted and scheduled

Analyzing the Impact: Data and Insights

The venture into daily blogging for “”, powered by ChatGPT, was not just an experiment in content creation but a strategic move to gauge the effectiveness of consistent, AI-assisted SEO practices. The results, captured through analytics and firsthand observations, provided valuable insights into how small changes can lead to noticeable differences in website traffic and engagement.

Impressions and Clicks: Within the first two weeks, the website saw a significant increase in impressions, a metric indicating how often the site appeared in search results. This uptick was a direct result of the SEO-optimized content being recognized and indexed by search engines. More impressively, these impressions translated into 4 actual clicks. While this number might seem modest at first glance, for a brand-new website in a competitive niche, each click represented a breakthrough in visibility and audience reach.

Engagement Metrics: Beyond the clicks, there was a noticeable improvement in engagement metrics such as average session duration and bounce rate. Visitors drawn in by the blog posts spent more time exploring other pages on the site, suggesting that the content was not only attracting traffic but also resonating with the audience.

SEO Performance Over Time: The experiment provided clear evidence that SEO is a long game. Initial results were promising, but the true potential of consistent blogging became more apparent over time. Search engines began to rank the website for a broader range of keywords, expanding its visibility and attracting a more diverse audience.

Visual Data: Screenshots of the search console dashboard (above), showcasing the growth in impressions and clicks, serve as visual proof of the experiment’s success. These images not only add credibility to this blog post but also illustrate the potential of SEO and AI-powered content creation in a tangible, easy-to-understand manner.

Conclusion: The data and insights gathered from this blogging experiment underscored the effectiveness of a well-thought-out content strategy, enhanced by AI and grounded in SEO best practices. The initial successes laid a strong foundation for future growth, hinting at the untapped potential of consistent, quality blogging as a tool for website development and audience engagement.

February 22, 2024


February 26, 2024

February 28, 2024

March 1, 2024

Lessons Learned and Best Practices

The journey of transforming “” from a nascent website into a growing online presence through daily blogging and strategic SEO has been enlightening. Here are the key lessons learned and best practices that emerged from this experience:

  1. Leverage AI with a Human Touch: ChatGPT can generate vast amounts of content quickly, but the human touch in editing and tailoring these pieces ensures they resonate with your audience. Use ChatGPT as a tool to amplify your content creation efforts, not replace them.
  2. Consistency is Crucial: Regular posting keeps your website fresh and gives search engines more content to index, improving your site’s SEO over time. Establishing a consistent blogging schedule is key to building momentum and maintaining audience engagement.
  3. SEO Requires Patience and Persistence: Initial results may be modest, but the cumulative effect of consistent, SEO-optimized blogging is a gradual increase in website visibility and traffic. SEO is a long-term strategy, not a quick fix.
  4. Engage with Your Audience: Encourage comments and interaction on your blog posts. Engagement not only boosts your website’s SEO through dynamic content but also builds a community around your brand.
  5. Use Data to Drive Decisions: Analytics provide invaluable insights into what works and what doesn’t. Monitor your website’s performance closely and be prepared to adapt your strategy based on data-driven insights.
  6. Quality Over Quantity: While the frequency of posts is important, the quality of your content is paramount. Ensure each post provides value to your audience, whether it’s through informative content, insightful analysis, or engaging narratives.
  7. Keywords Are Key, But Don’t Overdo It: Effective use of keywords helps your posts rank in search results, but keyword stuffing can harm readability and penalize your site. Aim for a natural integration of keywords into your content.
  8. Embrace Visuals and Multimedia: Incorporating images, infographics, and videos can enhance user engagement and provide additional SEO benefits through image search visibility.
  9. Network and Build Links: Link building, both through internal links and backlinks from reputable sites, is essential for SEO. Collaborate with other bloggers, participate in community forums, and contribute guest posts to increase your website’s link profile.
  10. Stay Informed and Adapt: SEO and content marketing are ever-evolving fields. Stay updated on the latest trends and algorithm updates to keep your strategy effective and your content relevant.

SEO graph


The project of launching and growing “” through daily blogging, with the assistance of ChatGPT and a focus on SEO, has been a journey of learning, adaptation, and gradual success. The clicks and impressions achieved in the initial weeks are just the beginning. As the website continues to evolve, the lessons learned and best practices identified will serve as a roadmap for future growth.

Looking ahead, the plan is to continue refining the content strategy, exploring new topics that resonate with the audience, and further optimizing the site for search engines. The ultimate goal is not just to attract visitors but to build a vibrant community around “”, where photography enthusiasts can find inspiration, information, and a sense of belonging.

This experiment has reinforced the belief that with passion, innovation, and a strategic approach, it’s possible to carve out a unique space in the digital world. The journey of “” is a testament to the power of AI-enhanced blogging and SEO in creating an impactful online presence. Here’s to the continued growth and success of this venture, and may it inspire others to embark on their own digital adventures.